Dual-speed NT200A01-2x100/40 FPGA image
2017-08-25 08:17

< NT200A01-2x100/40 FPGA image overview >

- Supported FPGA: 200-8003

- The FPGA image contains: 

 • Bank 0: 2x100, 200-9516

 • Bank 1: 2x40, 200-9512

 • Index file: controls which bank is flashed with which image.

< Changing speed >

- Speed can be changed by switching FPGA images. 

- Command example to switch between 100G Bank 0 (primary) and 40G bank 1 
/opt/napatech3/bin/imgctrl -a0 –s
/opt/napatech3/bin/imgctrl -a0 –s --confirm

< FPGA upgrade >

- Command example:

/opt/napatech3/bin/imgctrl -a0 -p --ini nt --ntimg 200-8003-09-01-0001-171002-0644.ntimg

- FPGA image upgrade process (the same as before):

 • The secondary bank will start upgrade first.

 • After successful upgrade in the secondary bank, the primary bank will start upgrade.

 • The update process is as safe as the current FPGA upgrade process.

- After FPGA upgrade, the primary bank is reset to Bank 0 (2 x 100).

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