Configuring pre-filters for Pandion
2017-10-31 10:35

By utilizing the Napatech Programming Language (NTPL), you can apply filters in order to reduce the amount or size of captured and stored packets. 

The steps to enabling this are:

  1. Click the ADMIN tab
  2. Scroll to the ACCELERATOR SETUP widget.
  3. Configure pre-filters:
    Enter your NTPL statement in the PRE-FILTER field and click Apply.

In general, NTPL syntax is <FilterOperation> = <FilterExpressions>.  For example: Assign[StreamId=(0..7)] = IPMatch == SrcIP,DstIP

For Pandion, please use only <FilterExpressions> in the PRE-FILTER box found on the Admin tab in the Pandion UI, i.e. right-hand side of the statement, after “=”.
For example, use "IPMatch == SrcIP, DstIP" as shown in the following screenshot:


  • Every time when a new filter is submitted in the PRE-FILTER box, previously applied filter will be overridden. You must therefore repeat any previous NTPL commands and append the new NTPL commands to add a new NTPL command.
  • In case of server reboot, the configuration is stored and reapplied automatically.

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